Next Wednesday, both Elijah and Nick have their "graduation" ceremonies. Nick is graduating from 5th grade, EJ from Kindergarten. At the exact same time. I realize that some people consider a kindergarten graduation to be a bit over the top, but EJ really struggled this year and made some huge gains. I also know his teacher very well, and I know the amount of effort she has put into making it a very special day for both kids and parents. Fifth grade is more of a milestone, and the ceremony will be more formal, less sentimental, I assume. Like Elijah, Nicholas also overcame much this year. It was his first and only year at this school, so there aren't the years-long friendship bonds other kids have. He has grown so much and pushed himself in ways he never has before. This was a huge year for him, and I want to celebrate him.
Unfortunately, I can't be at both, so Robert and I will tag team, and video. I am struggling with who gets to go to which event, so I thought I would include the boys in the discussion. If I got lucky, one would have a preference for Mom and the other a preference for Dad, and I would therefore be absolved of the mom-guilt. Silly mom. When is it ever that easy? We explained the situation and asked for their thoughts. Elijah immediately squealed "I want Mommy!" and Nick responded to that with "Heeeeyyyyyyyy! I want Mom!" Here is where I have to give Elijah credit. That kids KNOWS his emotional manipulation and he wields it mercilessly. Without so much as a pause, he immediately began to sing to me a song I can only assume is on the program for next week's ceremony. "I think you're wonderful! As wonderful can be. I think you're wonderful!" Wait. It gets better. He paused, looked at me with that "how-can-you-possibly-say-no-to-me" smile and said "Why aren't you crying? You're supposed to cry." Nick's response? "Ok, FINE! You can have mom." He didn't say it graciously. Robert was right there for the whole conversation, by the way. Poor Daddy. I tried working the whole "you don't want to hurt Daddy's feelings, do you?" angle. Apparently, they have no problem with that. Must be a guy thing. Maybe if Robert let them see him cry . . .
So I guess it's settled. Kind of. I still feel the mom-guilt. So now the question is "can I trust Robert to video it? And who can I ask to take pictures for me since the only good camera will be with me? Now taking volunteers.