Gabriel is now 3 ½ years old. The first thing most people notice about Gabriel is his vibrant smile and enormous laugh. He has a great joy within him that people find irresistible. Of course, most people aren’t around long enough to see his other side, the stubborn, determined side that can frustrate the most patient among us. His determination is both a strength and a weakness. It serves him well when pursuing his favorite activities, but it can hold him back when he refuses to attempt a new task, or frustrate mommy when he won’t put on his pajamas.
Gabriel has boundless energy. He loves to run and dance. Whether dancing along to Gene Kelly in “Singing in the Rain” or dancing along to Wiggles music, Gabriel is constantly in motion. He loves to jump and tap and twirl to the rhythms of music. He will even dance to Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, or sometimes to no music at all! Gabriel has loved music from very early on, quickly realizing where the CD player was and how to manipulate buttons to turn it on and increase the volume. Before he could stand or walk, he would sit and bounce his torso and sway back and forth to music! We recently enrolled him in a toddler tap/ballet class and he is having a great time. He stays focused and learns the routines very quickly. We are so excited to see his first recital!
Along with his love of music, Gabriel has a love for art and painting. The opposite of his big brother in many ways, Gabriel is our creative, artistic child. He enjoys creating and exploring different media for creation – and mess making! One of his favorite activities is when I line the hallway walls and floor with butcher paper and let them have at it with markers and crayons!
During his quiet times, Gabriel is a cuddly, very affectionate little boy. He loves to cuddle and read books with Daddy. His affection is not limited to family members. He shows great love for everyone, from the teachers and therapists, to neighbors and friends. He definitely is not a shy boy.
While Gabriel has not developed many words, he is an excellent communicator, and is able to make his wishes known quite easily. He learns signs readily and uses them with ease. He will come and take you by the hand and lead you to the bookcase, or the refrigerator, or the door, to let you know where he wants to go and what he wants to do.
Gabriel is in preschool and LOVES being in school. He loves to learn and enjoys being a part of the busy classroom atmosphere. We are very proud of all the progress he has made in school.
Gabriel just recently became a big brother. He has alternated between great affection and burning jealousy, which he expresses through monster tantrums. He knows he’s not the baby anymore and he is not happy about that. Fortunately for baby, he is affectionate most of the time.
When I look at my three little boys, I have for each of them the same exact dreams. I want them to grow up knowing truly, in their hearts, that they are greatly loved and deeply cherished. I want them to grow up to be independent, caring, altruistic and loving. I want them to find loving wives, and I want them to choose as their professions that thing for which they feel a great passion. These things are possible for all of them. When others look at my boys, they may notice my middle son is not like the other two, but I know that when it comes to the things that matter most in this life, my three sons are exactly the same.
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