Another Christmas Has Come and Gone
It came so suddenly this year, it seems. Here we are in January, and I still have Christmas cards I haven't mailed. Or maybe I'm just that disorganized. Nick was sick so we started Christmas Eve rather slowly, just hanging out in our PJs, and tracking Santa on NORAD. I LOVE that site! I also love that my 8 year old still wholeheartedly believes in Santa. I'm not sure how many years of that magic we have left, but thanks to NORAD, I think we can make it last a wee bit longer.
We had to scrap our plans to attend church together, because Nick' fever hit 103 in the afternoon. I told him we'd have to stay home, and he was quite distressed at the thought of not going to Grammy and Papa's, which is our tradition. We gave him some medicine and told him to sleep. His fever came down so we decided to go. This is a picture of them getting ready to go, in their matching outfits. I'm thinking I won't have too many more opportunities to do that either. At some point Nick is bound to balk at the thought of dressing just like his two pesty little brothers. I couldn't get them to all smile so I said "Say Santa!" and this is what I got:
Here they are patiently (or in Gabey's case, NOT so patiently) waiting for their one Christmas Eve gift before bed. Could Gabe possibly look more disinterested?
Had to throw in a pic of Robert and me. I don't ever get any good pictures of me, not that I would say this is a "good" picture, but at least it is photographic evidence of my presence at Christmas.
Gabey in his Troy Bolton shirt. I am quite disappointed to report that I didn't get any good pictures of Gabey's Winter Recital this year. He was amazing. Seriously. The kid kicked ass and took names. He had memorized the entire dance from the end of High School Musical to the song "We're All In This Together", but then got up there and decided to just improvise - he was AWESOME! He was throwing together moves from Grease, HSM, Wiggles, and then he struck a couple of poses. He was just so exuberate and happy! Several parents stopped us afterward to tell us they thought he stole the show. He does so love to perform, and it shows. Maybe he's got a future in it? Who knows.

I'll post more photos later. I am having all manner of issue with the upload on this, so you'll just have to suffer with these few. Merry Belated Christmas and Happy New Year!
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