Check it out - I've gone blue! Crazy, huh? No, it's not some mid-life trying-to-get-my-youth-back thing. OK, maybe - I would never have been allowed to have blue hair in my youth, and my mom's reaction when she saw this was soooo worth it! Sorry Mom!!
Seriously, this is for Teddy. Teddy is an 8 year old boy who is a classmate and teammate of my oldest son, and his mom has become my good friend. Teddy is one of the most genuinely sweet and innocent boys you'll ever know. Right now, Teddy is stuck in his house and he can't go to school and risk illness. Teddy has a brain tumor, in probably the worst possible place a brain tumor could be. In addition to the worry and anxiety he is feeling about just having to deal with this, we was worried about having to shave his head for the surgery. A group of his friends have promised to shave their heads with him to show him support. I wanted to do something too, but am not brave enough to go bald, so I asked Teddy what his favorite color was, and I dyed my hair in his honor. I promised him the blue hair will stay until he is fully recovered. The added bonus is that blue hair always elicits comments, which gives me the opportunity to share Teddy's story and grow his prayer army. If you are reading this, I hope you too, will join the growing legions praying for this boy, because he really is very special. If you happen to be on Facebook, you can also join a page called "Support for Teddy" and leave him messages, keep up with the latest updates, and get to know his family. And if you're feeling a little crazy, dye your hair blue!
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