Today I want to share my gratitude for my Dad. My dad is the kind of guy who will give all he has for others in need, even if it is to his detriment. He has opened his home and taken in more people in his life than I can recount. Some for a few days, some for months, some for more than a year. His home isn't big, but there is always room for anyone in need. His generous nature goes beyond that - he has always found a way to provide support to people who need it, be it with his money, or his home, his time, or his hands. He is always there to help, to support, to provide, to rescue. There have been times when I did not agree with his choices to help people I felt would or were taking advantage of him, but those are the examples from which I have learned the most. He (and of course, my Mom) have taught me through their example, that it is not our place to judge whether someone is worthy of our help or support. If we are going to truly live a life modeled after Christ, then our help must come without reservation, and without judgement. It is not our place to decide who is worthy of a hand up and who is not. When my parents see someone in need, no matter the circumstance leading to that need, they provide. End of story. Thank you for that example Dad (and Mom). I love you so much and only hope I can live up to your legacy.
Thanks for sharing such a touching story sweetie! I totally agree. I have always been one to give to the homeless - no matter what I have left in my wallet - even if I don't have much myself - it's theirs! And I always wish I had more to share. Someone in my family once asked me "why do you just give it to any person on the corner. You don't really know if they are truly homeless or not. They might just be lazy and not wanting to work"...and I simply replied..."That's not for me to decide or judge. If they are out here, humbling themselves and asking...who am I to question. I can't drive away knowing I could have made a difference, and didn't!". A few years later - that same person told me "Guess what, I just gave money to a person on the corner" I just always remember the song by "Tommy Shane Steiner" - "What if She's an Angel".
Thanks for sharing. I look forward to your blogs! And I hope to learn to embrace pandemonium more. :)
It's a time for ThanksGIVING...
God Bless You.
With Love - Aarica and Robyn
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