When I contemplate what it must be like to lose a child, I can't fathom it. All I can think is that it would leave me so broken, I couldn't possibly keep going. How do those moms do it? How did mine? I don't know. All I know is that she survived, and carried my brother and me with her, and I can never express how grateful I am for her strength.
She has carried me with her strength over and over again; when we got the diagnosis for our Gabriel, when she gave us her blessing to name him Gabriel, when he had to have open heart surgery, when he was rushed to the hospital in an ambulance from Yosemite, when Nicholas was diagnosed . . .over and over and over again, when I needed someone to hold me up and assure me we would make it through, she has been there.
Thank you Mom. I love you and am so grateful for you. Thank you God for giving me such an amazing mom. I pray you will let me keep her for many more years to come.

Jeanne, I was messing with my cellphone at Chemo today and came,across your blog on Facebook. What a lot you gave me to think about. So glad you have your wonderful mom, so sad mine passed away before she could get to know her grandchildren and for me to understand and appreciate her as a parent. Your blog about your hunny made me think about mine and how hard he works to provide for our family. And of course,we don't have pickles, monkeys or peanuts, but we do have a Betty, a fairy and a Danman. Looking forward to your future blogs which opened up my eyes and brightened my day today.Xxx
Sian - Thank you, so much! I think of you so often, and pray for you constantly. I need to come visit! You are always in my heart.
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