Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Better Late Than Never: Buddy Walk '08!

I promised to put up pictures from the Buddy Walk 3 months ago, but my camera got dropped and met its maker, somehow in the process corrupting a file on the card, so we couldn't download them. No reader could find the pics. My awesome super genius hunny figured out a way to get them onto his work computer, so now we finally have them YAYYY! To recap - this year's Buddy Walk was a success in terms of turnout, despite the downpours of rain - which I actually quite enjoyed, as opposed to the heat of years past. Fundraising was down, but that was to be expected. The best part was having Sharkie , the San Jose Sharks mascot there! Gabriel and Nicholas even made it onto the local news!!! (Not sure if the link is still good, but if it is, you can see the segment here. Gabriel and Robert are at 1:42, and Nick is at 2:20 into the video.)Sharkie helped our team lead off the walk, and both Nick and Gabe loved him! Elijah was a bit timid, what with him being terrified of his own shadow and all. So, I'll stop blathering now, as I know all you really care about are the pictures. Enjoy!

Here is Gabriel with Sharkie:

Getting ready to start the walk, with storm clouds looming in the not-so-distant distance:

The Firefighters came and brought an engine for the kids to explore. The kids loved this more than the bounce houses!

He make look like he's all cuteness and light, but behind the precocious smile lies the heart of a true troublemaker. I can't fathom where he gets it!

My Sweet Peanut. Dontcha just want to eat him up? This kid melts my heart daily.This is my amazing wonder woman friend, Marcie, and her beautiful daughter Maddie. We're hoping to be related by marriage someday. =)

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