Saturday, February 6, 2010

What a Week

When I woke up this morning, I was feeling really . . . off. My throat was scratchy, which is no big deal, but I had no energy. I felt like I hadn't slept all week. Robert is such a saint, he let me take a nap all afternoon, and while I am no longer tired enough to sleep, I still feel really drained. Honestly, I think if I had a good cry, some of my energy might be restored, but I was sitting here trying to figure out WHY I feel so rotten, and it occurs to me this week was probably one of the most emotionally draining weeks I've had since Gabe's last serious illness. The obvious event was the surgery of my friend's son, Teddy - the one for whom I dyed my hair blue. The surgery was on Wednesday, and I spent the day at the hospital with my friend's family until he was in recovery and they could go be with him. It was a pretty tense day, waiting while an eight year old boy we all loved had his brain exposed so the surgeon could remove a tumor that we smack in the center. At the end of the day though, Teddy proved what an amazing kid he is, and he proved the power of prayer a hundred fold. The surgery went smoothly, they were able to remove the entire tumor and it looks to be benign. That night I really felt like crying, but never did, so I guess I've been carrying that around all week.

What Teddy' surgery did for me, however, was re-align my perspective a bit. I like to think that the experiences we've had on this parenting journey with kids who aren't typical has given us a pretty decent perspective on life - an appreciation for the important things, the ability to recognize the big stuff from the little stuff, and that 99% of it is little stuff.

But sometimes I lose my way, and get off track. I've been wasting a lot of time lately worrying about the fact that my house is always disorganized, and that I can't keep up with anything, and I've been spinning my wheels trying to fix that instead of spending more quality time with the kids. At the same time, the fact that all three of our kids can now be described as "not typical" has come into sharp relief.

For Nick, those little quirks and idiosyncrasies of Aspergers seem to have graduated from minor annoyances to hindrances and problems. I think we are at the beginning of what is going to be a far more challenging period for Nick, and I have to say, I'm not sure I'm up to the task. I am truly feeling wholly inadequate to guide him through what's coming, and I'm desperately afraid he won't make it through without some collateral damage. It doesn't help that I feel like I'm flying blind. Aspergers is such a great unknown to me, and it is such a wide net, that I don't even know which way to go. I think we are lucky that Nick seems to be one of the milder cases - he's been able to function in school and do well, even if he hasn't been able to make friends. But right now, that doesn't make it any easier. In many ways, dealing with Down Syndrome is sooo much easier. I have a whole support group, and there is so much more concrete information about DS. There is at least a kind of road map we can follow. With Aspergers, I feel like I'm in the middle of nowhere without a GPS to guide me.

Also this week, we finally had the speech eval on Elijah. It went exactly as I expected. For a four year old, he doesn't have the articulation he should, and his deficits are enough to qualify him for speech services through the school. It's not news to us. We expected this outcome, and honestly, it really isn't worrisome to me. Speech articulation is a whole lot easier to deal with than either Aspergers or Down Syndrome. Even with his deficits, Elijah already speaks much better than Gabe, so it's really small potatoes, in the grand scheme of things.

But then it hits me, the very real possibility of having three kids all with IEPs. I'm an old pro at it, but still. Three kids on IEPs. I hate having to deal with just one. The thought of three is overwhelming to me right now. I know, on an intellectual level, this is nothing. My kids need some support and I *know* how to get it for them, and how to work with them. This week, my friend had to deal with the terror of having a child with a brain tumor. I can't even imagine what this week has been like for her, and I feel a bit guilty that I am even the slightest bit upset over my kids - my funny, energetic, loving, HEALTHY kids. Teddy is helping me keep it in perspective. We are all healthy and together and that's the only thing that matters. All that other stuff is small potatoes. It's just that sometimes, too many small potatoes make me feel like . . . how I'm feeling today.


Anne said...

I found your blog through a comment you left on the WW message board. I'm mom to six great kids. One who is an Aspie, and another on the spectrum.

Your blog is great. It's a comfort to know I'm not the only one fighting some of these battles, trying to make everything work!

Jeanne said...

Thanks. I think probably the biggest battle is learning to let go of things. I need to quit trying to "have it all together" because I just don't, and I probably never will. I think this would all be easier if I were okay with that.